Monday, April 2, 2012

P90X - Talk about an effective paid advertisement

This past Saturday I came home around 4pm after helping a friend/colleague move. To my surprise, no one was home, so I turned on the TV, took out some food and pasted my self in front of the screen. Apparently, nothing was on TV so I somehow managed to end up watching infomercials. Magic Bullet has come out with a Baby Bullet line to help mothers feed their babies organic and fresh food; and the preparation is quick and easy. I happened to catch the last 5 minutes of that infomercial until the the next paid advertisement began... P90X

I watched this infomercial entirely - I even had to go pee really badly but just sacrificed the well being of my bladder to make sure I didn't miss any crucial information. This was a 20 minute infomercial, so 12 minutes into it, I had logged onto their website and entered my billing/shipping address and credit card #. I then became a little hesitant before clicking the buy now or submit button so I called my brother at work and made it seem like there was a serious situation and asked him for his advice; and if I should proceed because he is a gym and supplement junkie. The first thing he said to me was, "that's why you called me at work?" LOL! He then told me he could have the DVDs burned and that I don't need to waste $120 + S&H charges + tax. Talk about an effective infomercial!

I then put my Blackberry Playbook to good use and watched testimonials on P90X and read a ton of reviews and ratings. I read nothing but good things and saw some amazing results. At this point I was inspired beyond belief. I am not fat, however, I would like to really tone up and build some serious endurance and be able to press more than 10lbs. Haha! I also want to be able to challenge and push myself to the limit. I now, need to go out to purchase sets of dumb bells, a resistant band and a pull up bar. The thought of being able to pull up my own body weight seems unreal but then I thought about being stuck in a bad situation (because I love to do wild, adventurous excursions) where I needed the ability to be able to pull myself up which, could be a life or death situation. Yikes! I would die because of my weak little arms.

I plan to start my P90X journey next week in combination with the Bikram hot yoga classes that I already attend 5 times a week. I am really excited and motivated beyond belief. A lot of people don't have faith, that I can complete this program however, I know that I have the will power and determination to follow this through. Ya, I probably will struggle like hell at the beginning and not be able to make it through the entire video but I plan to prove all my non-believers wrong. Nothing easy comes with great results, so I am prepared to fight through the pain and sacrifice that 1hr of extra sleep in the mornings.

I will keep you posted on my results.


  1. P90X is indeed awesome stuff! My arms now fill up my dress shirt sleeves even though I'm the smallest I've ever been :) Sounds like you're going to do great!

    Other than the yoga, do you do any other fitness stuff? Have you in the past?

    1. Ya, I'm super excited to begin P90X this coming Sunday. My only concern is, is that it will make me so sore and decrease my ability to fully perform in my hot yoga classes.

      I have been doing hot yoga for 2 months now and absolutely love it, but before the yoga I was doing boot camp classes. I haven't been able to achieve my ultimate fitness goal so I'm really hoping P90X does it.

      Did you do anything in combination to P90X? Or have any tips?
